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A Program for All Paths


PA Virtual Charter High School provides a unique online learning experience for students seeking personalization, diverse opportunities, and academic excellence. Our comprehensive program features Advanced Placement courses, National Honor Societies, dual enrollment, and high school-focused student clubs and organizations.

Offering flexible, customized academic pathways, students are prepared for college, career, and beyond. Through a multitude of course offerings and coursework, independent study options, work-based learning opportunities, and early graduation tracks, students receive individualized support from our dedicated team of educators, counselors, and administration.

Strategic career development planning provided by the Counseling and Career Services Departments ensures students can confidently meet local and state graduation requirements and pursue their post-graduation goals, whether entering higher education, the workforce, trade programs, military service, or gap years.


Academic Highlights

Not only will your child learn core subjects of math, English language arts, history, and science, but they'll also pursue electives that expand their knowledge and excite their interests, such as:

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Sports and Entertainment Marketing

While many schools and districts across the country cut funding to these types of electives and programs, PA Virtual believes that enrichment is a key component to student development.


Independent Study

The independent study option offers eligible, self-directed seniors or other graduation candidates with a flexible path to select and study a topic. These students explore subjects in order to strengthen their college application, prepare for a future job, delve into a personal interest that aligns with relevant academic standards, or leverage gainful employment as a learning opportunity.


Students use curriculum which offers rigorous, interactive online content and is accredited by AdvancED. Through this curriculum and the innovation and expertise of our certified teachers, high school students gain global awareness, increase their technology and communication skills, acquire problem-solving and time management skills, and learn personal responsibility. These skills are integrated into the curriculum, with core content aligned to state standards.


Instructional Formats

Our PA online high school provides students with synchronous and asynchronous courses, carefully selected in consultation with students' at-home learning coaches and school-based counselors. Synchronous courses meet daily for live, teacher-delivered instruction, and asynchronous courses offer a more flexible schedule with independent learning and required teacher check-ins. Students can expect to have a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous courses in their schedule.



Students log in to their virtual classroom with other students and attend live classes with PA-certified teachers. Teachers provide direct instruction, guide student work, and assess student progress. Synchronous classes occur Monday through Thursday; students work asynchronously on Fridays. View sample synchronous schedules >


Students work independently with their learning coaches each day. PA Virtual teachers plan the students' coursework, supervise their progress, and are available to support student needs daily. To read more and to learn about student eligibility for entering the asynchronous program, click here.

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PA Virtual provides an in-person commencement ceremony where students enjoy a memorable graduation experience, celebrating their accomplishments with their classmates, teachers, friends, and families. Our school counselors stay closely connected to our high school students, assisting them with course selection and academic planning.

Students have the option to demonstrate post-secondary preparedness through one of several different Act 158 pathways. A minimum of 21 credits is required to graduate and receive a diploma from PA Virtual Charter School, and all high school students are required to take a minimum of 5.25 credits each year.

Capstones and Early Graduation

Throughout their high school journey, students complete the Capstone Graduation Project and have the opportunity to apply in 10th grade for early graduation which, if all requirements are satisfied, allows the student to graduate after the 11th grade year.

Keystones, Courses, and AP/Honors

To graduate from PA Virtual or any PA public high school, students must participate in the three Keystone exams in Algebra, Literature, and Biology, as required by the PA Department of Education. For details on specific High School courses and AP and honors offerings, check out our High School course catalog.

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PA Virtual Pathways To Purpose


By the end of senior year, each PA Virtual student (enrolled from grades nine through 12) receives more than 150 clock hours of career and/or college readiness preparation through our Pathways to Purpose program! In addition, students have the opportunity to earn industry-based professional credentials.

Our career educators and field placement manager help students explore interests, passions, and employment options through credited career courses, whole class instruction, small groups, and one-on-one support.

Students learn about job shadowing opportunities, apprenticeships, internships, goal setting, college and job applications and interviews, career-related academic skills, and more!


High School Life

Hear from PA Virtual graduates, see what a virtual class looks like, and hear from students! Check out our Video Library!
Visit Video Library 

Opportunities Beyond The Classroom

Personalized learning for every student


Outings (Field Trips)

Socialization and learning outside the classroom are important for our high school students. We offer regular outings across the state for our high school students. Students have many chances to meet families from their area and make some new friends doing things like exploring museums, attending local athletic events, discovering parks and environmental centers, and much more.


NCAA-Approved Courses

The majority of PA Virtual's High School core courses are approved by the NCAA eligibility center. For a complete list of approved courses, please review the course catalog. All approved courses are marked with an asterisk.


Clubs and Activities

Our students have an array of opportunities to meet other students with similar interests. There are over 30 clubs for students to get involved with, including the National Honor Society, Virtual Voices Club, Coding Club, Peer Leadership Club, Photography Club, Student Council, and Yearbook. Students are also able to participate in their local school district’s extracurricular activities.

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Prom and Graduation

PA Virtual celebrates seniors each June at our graduation ceremony and when numbers allow, prom. Graduating seniors have the opportunity to walk across the stage in our cap-and-gown ceremony. PA Virtual seniors have a chance to celebrate with their classmates by planning and attending the year-end prom.

Meet Our Leadership


Leanne C.

High School Principal

Anjleke L.

Asst. Principal, 9th Grade Last Names H-P & 10th Grade

Bethany D.

Asst. Principal, 9th Grade Last Names A-G & 11th Grade

Casey W.

Asst. Principal, 9th Grade Last Names Q-Z & 12th grade
Graduation Rate We have the highest graduation rate among PA cyber charter schools!
Top Colleges Our graduates attend top colleges and universities, like Brigham Young, Bucknell, Carnegie Mellon, Drexel, Emerson, Seton Hall, Harvard, Rice, Penn State, Temple, Univ. of Penn, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Univ. of Virginia
Test Prep Our 10th-12th grade students can take advantage of our free SAT and ACT prep courses.
Scholarship Our 2020 graduates earned more than $2.4 million in scholarships!

"Being able to learn from the comfort of my home was really just a phenomenal way to just get me to where I am today. Having the ability to not only learn from home but around the people I love was really just awesome"

Ariel C-1
Ariel C
PA Virtual Graduate

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