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PA Virtual Online Seventh Grade

Embark on an exciting new phase of your child's educational journey with Pennsylvania's leading cyber charter school. Our online seventh-grade program is designed to stimulate intellectual curiosity, foster a love for learning, and ensure your child's well-being in a secure online environment.

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A Safe and Engaging Digital Learning Space

We prioritize your child's safety and well-being. Our secure online platform allows seventh-graders to explore, learn, and grow under the careful supervision of experienced educators. Through exercises in goal setting and reflection students will begin gaining more academic independence. Our program nurtures a strong sense of community, ensuring your child feels acknowledged, listened to, and supported throughout their online learning journey.

Online Seventh Grade by Course

Language Arts

In our Language Arts course, we continue to foster comprehension and analysis of both informational and fictional texts, with a sustained focus on reading strategies. Students are encouraged to articulate their thoughts using standard (formal) English in both written and oral presentations. By analyzing and practicing various genres of writing, students enhance their communication skills. They study a range of media to understand the techniques used in informational and persuasive messages, as well as how visual and auditory cues influence these messages.

We further develop students' skills in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Students continue to expand their vocabulary and apply strategies for vocabulary acquisition. Through the creation of portfolios, students have a platform to set goals, monitor their progress, and reflect on their achievements and challenges. The course includes discussion activities that not only engage students in the curriculum but also create a sense of community.



In this course, students take a broader look at computational and problem-solving skills while learning the language of algebra. Students translate word phrases and sentences into mathematical expressions; analyze equations and inequalities; calculate statistical measures and probabilities; apply the Pythagorean theorem; and explain strategies for solving real-world problems.

Math 7

In Math 7, students will look at real-world applications and mathematical problems involving algebraic expressions and linear equations. This course will look at rational numbers with increased complexity, laying the foundation for a continued exploration of concepts like angle, similarity, and congruence through grade 8. 

Life Science

Our Life Science curriculum invites students to investigate the world of living things at levels both large and small. They explore the fundamentals of topics such as cell biology, ecology, microorganisms, plants, cells, animals, species, adaptation, heredity, genetics, and the history of life on Earth.

World History

Our Intermediate World History A course provides a sweeping overview of human history from prehistoric times to the fourteenth century. The course is chronologically structured, weaving in geographical concepts as they naturally occur in the historical narrative. Students explore the earliest hunter-gatherers and farmers, the four river valley civilizations. After a brief unit on writing, we will study the origins of Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism in their historical contexts.

The course then delves into the history of classical Greece and Rome, the Byzantine Empire, and the emergence of Christianity and Islam, concluding with a study of fourteenth-century Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. Throughout the course, students develop historical thinking skills, engage in document and art analysis, conduct research, and engage in various writing formats. They will also practice map reading skills and look at how historians draw conclusions about the past as well as what those conclusions are. 


In the Art course for 7th grade, students delve deeper into the fundamental concepts of art, understanding the purpose of natural history museums, and evaluating various art forms. The course, which spans one semester, takes students on a journey through the art history of the Medieval and Renaissance periods.

They learn to identify and discuss the formal elements, principles of design, and stylistic characteristics found in artworks from various world regions using relevant terminology. The course content is supplemented with hands-on activities, discussions, written assignments, and objective assessments. This approach not only enhances their understanding of art but also helps them appreciate the historical and cultural contexts of the artworks they study.

Spotlight on Music

Our Spotlight on Music program promotes successful music learning as students continue to explore and build on their foundational skills. The program includes enriching musical experiences that help students understand music concepts. Students will enjoy a vast quality of musical experience through interactive learning activities like focused listening, singing, dancing, and playing instruments like the recorder. Spotlight on Music provides opportunities for students to make meaningful connections with math, language arts, science, social studies, and other subjects.

Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Science prepares students with skills for independent and family living. They will learn about child care, home maintenance, food preparation, money management, medical management, clothing care, and more. They also focus on household, personal, and consumer health safety. In addition, students learn goal setting and decision-making skills as they begin to explore possible career options. 

Health & Physical Education

In our seventh-grade Physical Education course, students are introduced to various components of health-related fitness, including strength training and power walking. The course is designed to instill in students the fundamental principles needed to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Students can measure their progress and accomplishments through the completion of fitness tests. 

Read More In Our Seventh Grade Course Guide

Seventh Grade Course Guide

A Secure and Empowering Digital Learning Environment

A Secure and Empowering Digital Learning Environment
We prioritize your child's safety and well-being. Our secure digital environment allows seventh-graders to explore, learn, and grow under the careful guidance of experienced educators. Our program fosters a strong sense of community, ensuring your child feels acknowledged, listened to, and supported throughout their online learning journey.

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Parents: Our Allies in Education

We believe in the power of collaboration between school and home. We actively involve parents in their child's education, providing regular updates, resources, and support. Together, we can illuminate a bright future for your child.

Be the Change in Education

Step into the future of education with us and experience the benefits of our cyber school firsthand. Whether your child is advancing to seventh grade or transitioning from a traditional setting, we'll be there every step of the way. Experience the wonders of seventh grade at Pennsylvania's leading cyber charter school. Apply today and let's shape the future of learning, together.

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