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PA Virtual Online Fourth Grade

Step into the exciting world of fourth grade at Pennsylvania's distinguished cyber charter school. This is a pivotal year, where students broaden their understanding and deepen their skills. Our online fourth-grade program is designed to stimulate curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and foster a love for learning. We provide an engaging and secure digital environment that nurtures each student's academic and personal development.


Fourth Grade at Our Cyber School: Cultivating Independent Thinkers

Our fourth-grade curriculum is a comprehensive, interactive program that challenges students to become independent thinkers. We focus on key areas such as Language Arts, Math, Science, History, Art, and Music. Our engaging and fun curriculum builds a strong foundation in essential academic skills.

Online Fourth Grade by Subject

Language Arts

Our Language Arts program offers structured lessons in literature, comprehension, writing skills, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics. In an effort to become more independent readers, students will read works of nonfiction as well as four novels from amongst a long list of classic works. The curriculum is designed to develop fundamental skills in oral and written communication and promote a lifelong interest in reading, writing, and language. 


Our research-based Math course emphasizes computational fluency, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving. Students master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and explore connections between fractions and decimals. 

The curriculum also introduces algebraic thinking through multistep word problems and patterns. We deepen geometric knowledge with a focus on shapes, lines, angles, and rotations. Teachers and coaches use adaptive activities and supportive tools to ensure each student's success.


In Science, students learn to reason, observe, and analyze through hands-on experiments. They explore topics such as the interdependence of life; plant and animal interactions; chemistry; forces and fluids; the human body; the nervous system; invertebrates; electricity and magnetism; rocks and minerals; weathering, erosion, and deposition; the fossil record and the history of life; and the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras.


Our History 4 course concludes the elementary exploration of world geography and history by focusing on the period from the Scientific Revolution to modern times. Supplementary lessons focus on concepts in economics and citizenship.


In Art, students are introduced to the art and architecture of the French and American revolutions through modern times. They extend their knowledge of elements of art and principles of design and create a variety of works, including portraits, quilts, sculpture, collages, and more. Students will learn about art movements such as impressionism, cubism, Art Nouveau, and Regionalism. They will create works inspired by what they learn about with many different materials and styles. 

Spotlight on Music

Our Spotlight on Music program promotes successful music learning as students explore and build foundational music skills. The program includes enriching musical experiences that help students understand music concepts. Students will enjoy a vast quality of musical experience through interactive learning activities like focused listening, singing, dancing, and playing instruments like the recorder. Spotlight on Music provides opportunities for students to make meaningful connections with math, language arts, science, social studies, and other subjects.

Read More In Our Fourth Grade Course Guide

Fourth Grade Course Guide

A Secure and Interactive Digital Learning Space

We place your child's safety and wellbeing at the forefront of our mission. Our secure digital platform provides fourth-graders with an interactive space to explore, learn, and grow, guided by our team of dedicated educators. We cultivate a vibrant online community where every student feels valued, heard, and supported throughout their learning journey.


Fostering a Collaborative Learning Experience

We recognize the invaluable role parents play in their child's education. We actively engage parents in our cyber schooling process, offering regular updates, resources, and guidance. Together, we can illuminate a bright future for your child.

Step into Tomorrow's Classroom Today

Join our cyber school community and experience the future of education today. Whether your child is advancing to fourth grade or transitioning from a traditional classroom, we're committed to supporting them every step of the way. Discover the unique opportunities available to fourth graders at Pennsylvania's leading cyber charter school. Apply today and let's shape the future of learning, together.

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