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School Counseling Department at PA Virtual


At PA Virtual Charter School, our School Counselors empower students to excel academically, unlock their unique potential, and build pathways to future success. Through individualized support in academics, career planning, and personal growth, we collaborate with families to transform challenges into achievements. Our approach to school counseling gives every student the confidence and skills to thrive in school, career, and life.

What We Do

Our School Counselors deliver targeted, grade-level programming through personalized sessions, virtual presentations, interactive groups, and monthly newsletters. We engage students both individually and in focused small groups to develop the skills needed for academic excellence and personal growth.


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    Executive Functioning Skills

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    Character Building

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    Skills and Strategies for Classroom Success

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    Lunch Bunch Groups

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    Career/College Awareness


High School

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    Introduction to High School

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    9th Grade Time Management

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    Course Selection & Academic Planning

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    Naviance - An Online College and Career Platform

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    Naviance's SuperMatch - A College Search Tool

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    College Application Process

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    Financial Aid/FAFSA information

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    Scholarship Search Tools

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    Post-secondary Options - College/Vo-tech/Military/Workforce/etc.

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    Social/Emotional Learning & Mental Health Awareness

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504  Plans 

Supporting our commitment to student success, the School Counselors at PA Virtual Charter School coordinate Section 504 Plans to ensure every student has equal access to learning opportunities. We work individually with students and families to remove barriers and create customized support plans that address specific learning needs for students who have been identified as having a disability that substantially limits a major life activity.

Crisis Management/Response

When life presents challenges, School Counselors at PA Virtual Charter School provide essential support for students and families. School Counselors help to create flexible academic plans and coordinate with teachers to ensure students can focus on their wellbeing while maintaining their educational progress. Our School Counselors stand ready to connect students with resources and develop strategies for managing both school and personal priorities.

Our Counseling Services

Can My Child Get Counseling Services in a Cyber Elementary School?

Can My Child Receive Counseling Services in a Cyber Middle School?

Do Cyber High Schools Offer Counselling Services?

PA Virtual provided me with countless skills which are vital in college.

Time management, note taking, online portal navigation, and test taking abilities are things I mastered with PA Virtual.”

Alexis Dingeldein
PA Virtual Graduate, Class of 2017

Ready to Learn More?