07-25-24: Special Call BOT Meeting
06-25-24: BOT Meeting
05-20-24: BOT Meeting
04-05-24: Final Agenda for Special Call Board of Trustees Meeting
04-02-24: Special Board of Trustees Meeting: Sunshine Notification
02-26-24: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
10-21-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
08-21-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
6-26-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
04-29-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
04-29-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
02-27-23: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
12-12-22: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
10-22-22: Final Agenda for Board of Trustees Meeting
10-22-22: Continuation of the August 22, 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting
10-10-22: Continuation of the August 22, 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting
06-26-24: Sunshine Notification for Special Board of Trustees Meeting
04-05-24: Final Agenda for Special Call Board of Trustees Meeting
04-02-24: Sunshine Notification for Special Board of Trustees Meeting
04-27-24: BOT Meeting Agenda
8-22-22 Meeting Agenda
6-27-22 Meeting Agenda
5-7-22 Meeting Agenda
3-23-22 Meeting Agenda
3-23-22 Meeting Announcement
3-7-22 Meeting Agenda
3-7-22 Meeting Announcement
2-28-22 Meeting Postponement Notice
1-13-22 Meeting
10-23-21 Meeting