PA Virtual Attendance Requirements
Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School recognizes that good attendance is essential if students are to achieve and reach their potential. In order for a student’s legal attendance to be counted, he/she MUST log into Blackboard each day that school is in session. If the student skips logging into Blackboard, it is the equivalent of skipping or arriving late to homeroom at a brick and mortar school (B&M) and not checking in with the office before heading off to class. If students miss these important steps at a local school district, they are marked absent for the day, and it is the same here at PA Virtual.
In addition, students are expected to attend all assigned synchronous classes scheduled each school day, as listed on their schedule. It is the responsibility of the parents at PA Virtual to provide an excuse when their child is absent from school. If a student is absent without an excuse, the student could be considered truant. PA Virtual is required to report instances of truancy to the student’s school district of residence.