Follow the steps below to set up closed captioning for your PA Virtual Open House session.
1. Click the link in your Open House confirmation email to enter the Open House session. Do not close the window.
2. Click (or copy and paste) the following link to be taken to a Google Meet room. Do not close the window showing the Open House presentation (Blackboard Ultra).
3. Click the icons at the bottom of the screen to turn off your microphone and video camera. Then click "Join now."
4. Once you're in the meeting, click the blue [CC] button at the bottom of the screen.
The Google Meeting will display captioning for the Open House. The slide presentation will continue in Ultra, so you may have to toggle back and forth between the two screens during the presentation. You can also minimize the two browser windows and have them side-by-side on your screen.
A Note for Guests Who Are Attending with Another that is not Deaf or Hard of Hearing
When the presentation begins, guests using the closed captioning setup may hear an echo. Here's how to fix it:
1. Open the Collaborate panel by clicking the purple tab in the lower right corner.
2. Click on the "wheel" icon to open Settings.
3. Locate your Speaker Volume bar.
4. Drag the white button to the left to set your volume to 0.
We look forward to "seeing" you at the Open House!